cuckooscallingReviewed by Kim

As many readers know by now, this novel is actually written by J.K. Rowling. It features a very unique private investigator named Cormoran Strike. He lost his leg in Afghanastan and is barely scraping by. He’s down to one client, just broke up with his longtime girlfriend, and is living out of his office. Fortuitously John Bristow comes to him asking for help in solving the murder of his sister the famous model Lulu Landry who recently plummeted to her death from her high rise apartment. Police have written it off as a suicide, but John is convinced she was pushed. Luckily for Cormoran Ms Robin Ellacott also litterally falls into his life at the same time as she is seeking a temp job as a secretary. She becomes so much more and actually winds up invaluable in helping to solve the case. Let me first say although I am admittedly a Rowling fan I would have loved this book regardless. The characters are fantastic and while Cormoran isn’t your typical picture perfect hero, you can’t help loving him. The plot is full of so many twists and turns that it keeps you guessing until the end. I actually had no clue who the murderer was until the end of the book. Yes it clocks in at almost 500 pages, but it’s still a fast read. There are rumors that Rowling is planning on making this into a series and I fervently hope so. The ending was definitely left open so you can see her doing this. I highly recommend this to readers who like a good strong mystery.

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